Tuesday 23 June 2015

Constable Gordon - Cyber Safety

Today we were visited by Constable Gordon.  He was talking to us about Cyber Safety and Cyber Bullying via social media, email, phones etc.  He gave us some VERY GOOD advice of how to stay safe on the internet.  Comment below about what you learnt today from him.


  1. Today I learnt to never give someone a picture of yourself.Because if they get the picture they can post it on Facebook, snap chat, social media and Instagram.That can lead to cyber bulling and tears. Don't give anyone your phone number or email unless you know them. If you don't know them then do not give any information to them. we learnt a lot today!

    Thanks constable Gordon

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  3. Yesterday Constable Gordon came to our class and i lernt to never give some one your picture other wise you could get bulled and maby never forget it.Also if some one gives you a threat just wal away from them.

    P.S this is a threat i will spy on you all day long.



  4. Today I learnt to never share your personal details unless you know that person quite well. I learnt that on instagram and snapchat the age request is 13. I feel so sorry for all those children who suffer bullying.

    Thanks for everything Constable Gordon
    From Naomi

  5. Today Constable Gordon came in to our class room and he told us about why you shouldn't post photos of yourself and soical media.Also he told us that cyber bullying can make kids have tears in their eyes and it can ruin your life.

    Thanks Constable Gordon!

